Mission & Vision
ASFG Mission Statement:
Educating students in a bilingual, bicultural and secular environment to be purposeful learners, critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators and community contributors, based on a foundation of honor, freedom and commitment.
ASFG Vision Statement:
Inspire, educate and act to better our world
ASFG's Learning Goals
ASFG Governance
The American School Foundation of Guadalajara, A.C., an “Asociación Civil” (non-profit organization), was formed and legally constituted on April 17, 1956.
The buildings, land, equipment, and furniture are the exclusive property of the Association. No member, associate, or administrator has the authority or power to dispose of or sell the aforementioned property and any donation of property or money made to the Association is, at no time thereafter, refundable. Should the Association be dissolved, all property would be donated to another non-profit organization in accordance with the statutes. Said statutes also prohibit the payment of dividends or fees to any member of the Association. All income must be reinvested in the Association.
From early childhood through grade nine, ASFG is incorporated with the Mexican Secretary of Education of Jalisco (SEJ). For grades ten through twelve, the school has an agreement with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) which validates our high school academic program. Grades ten through twelve are also revalidated by SEP. The school is fully accredited pre-kinder through twelfth grade by SACS CASI, AdvancED in the United States of America.
Early Childhood Incorporation with SEP, Agreement J200914182, October 23, 2009. C.T. 14PJN1035K.
Elementary School Incorporation with SEP, Agreement P20101433, May 10, 2010. C.T. 14PPR1150S.
Middle School Incorporation with SEJ, Agreement SG20101412, May 10, 2010. C.T. 14PES0102V.
High School UNAM Agreement 33726-175-22-I-13, February 22, 2013.
School location
The American School Foundation of Guadalajara, A.C.
Colomos 2300, Col. Providencia,
Guadalajara, Jalisco México C.P. 44630
Tel: +52 (33) 3648-0299
Information: asfg@asfg.edu.mx