To request financial support, you must present a socioeconomic study that supports the family's ability to pay and you must be prepared to provide the following information:
General data.
Parents' Information.
Employment status of father and mother.
Savings and investments.
Photographs of the family home.
This study is carried out by an external company, and all information and documentation provided is kept strictly confidential. The information required to complete the socioeconomic study must be in Spanish and must be uploaded through the application where indicated. If any documentation is missing, the external company will notify you by email and you will have three days to complete it. If you do not complete the required documentation and do not receive the visit from the social worker your application will be invalidated and your family will automatically be disqualified from receiving financial support. The external company will be able to receive your documentation from the date on which the reception of applications begins.
The steps to complete this process are the following:
Gather and scan all required documents. It is advisable to read the following recommendations before filling the form.
Schedule a visit from the social worker.
Make the payment directly at the school´s cashier. One payment per family ($1,250.00 pesos). The payment can be made via bank transfer, through the parent portal, by credit card, or automatic debit. You can contact the school´s cashier at extension 2470.
If you have any questions regarding the socioeconomic study, please contact the email The office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. You can also write in the LiveChat via the website for assistance, the response time is one to two hours from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.