Elementary Counseling

Magdalena Elvira

Elementary School Counselor

My name is Malena Elvira. I am from Guadalajara, México. I have a Bachelor's  degree in psychology from ITESO and a Master's in International Education from Framingham University. I am also a certified Cognitive Behavioral therapist who has had clinical practice for more than 10 years. I started this beautiful journey in ASFG back in 2019. Being part of this community has been a blessing and an incredible source of learning and growth.

My goal is to help children become happy, independent and strong individuals who can lead our complex world. It is also to work alongside  parents supporting this incredible job they are performing.

Magdalena Elvira

Email: magdalena.elvira@asfg.edu.mx

Maricela Recendez

Elementary School Counselor

Hello, my name is Maricela Recendez. I am Mexican-American. I was born in Mexico, but I grew up in California. I have a bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis on bilingual education. I am certified to teach in multicultural and bilingual classrooms. I also have a Masters degree in International Counseling from Lehigh University. I worked as a teacher in California public schools before teaching abroad. Before coming to Guadalajara I taught in Armenia, Colombia. I've been here at ASFG for 10 years, but overall I've taught for 16 years.

This year, I am one of the elementary counselors. I believe full heartedly in the value of working together with parents and teachers to foster an environment that is built on respect, honesty, and trust. When children inhabit a positive environment, they are open to deeper learning and understanding of themselves and the world.

Maricela Recendez

Email: maricela.recendez@asfg.edu.mx