This report reflects the collaboration of ASFG's many donors, sponsors, and volunteers who gave so much during the 2022-2023 school year. We consider it important to include the community in this exercise of transparency and accountability, showcasing the many school events from which we received external donations and raising awareness of the benefit it represents for our school. The Director General and the Development and Community Relations Director would like to extend our gratitude for all of the community collaboration that allowed us to achieve the academic objectives of each section of our school.
Development and Community Relations Direction
This annual report highlights how the community of The American School Foundation of Guadalajara, A.C. actively participated in various events throughout the school year.
We want to thank everyone who collaborated with us and invite the entire community to continue their hard work, demonstrating that philanthropy remains a fundamental aspect of life at ASFG.
The report showcases the different causes ASFG supports, aligning with our philosophy: to INSPIRE, EDUCATE and ACT to better our world. Those involved understand and actively contribute to ASFG's mission, ensuring the achievement of our learning objectives.
We appreciate the dedication of students, parents, faculty, and directors who displayed empathy in the face of challenges. Special recognition goes to those supporting academic programs, including the Parents Association, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Trustees.
Service Learning
A core value that the American School strives to develop in our students love for service to the community through service learning. These well planned, implemented, and evaluated opportunities promote values such as compassion and empathy. These experiences also impart knowledge of global issues, collaboration skill and proactive mindset to become constructive leaders.