Book check-out
Library patrons are allowed to check out according to the following maximum check-out limits:
EC students- no check-out in the students’ name. Their parents may check out books to take home. EC teachers check out for classroom use.
Pre-1st – 1 book each
1st grade- 1 book
2nd grade- 2 books
3rd grade – 3 books
4th grade – 4 books
Middle school & high schoolers- up to 5 library books
Parents – 10 books
Staff- 20 books
Faculty- 100 books
Student and parent checkouts are for 3 weeks. Staff members' checkouts are longer. No fines are charged for late returns, but we very much appreciate books returning on time for others to enjoy.
If a book is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is charged for each item.
Camera check-out
All cameras are to be checked out for 1-2 days only. If they are needed for longer they should be brought to the library for renewed check-out.
Cameras held in the lower library are for use by elementary staff only.
Cameras in the upper library may be checked out by teachers and students (though some cameras are reserved only for teachers use). A sign out sheet must be filled in, thereby placing responsibility for the safekeeping of the camera upon the person checking it out. A parental signature is required for students checking out video cameras.
Before returning the camera, all photos/video must be downloaded. Content remaining on the camera will be erased by library staff.
All peripherals shall be returned with the camera (cables, batteries, bag etc).
Library staff will check the camera’s functionality on its return. The patron will be charged for any loss or damage to the camera.
Policies covering selection and weeding of library materials
Updated 2010
The collection development policy is intended to provide guidance, within budgetary and space limitations, for the selection and evaluation of materials which anticipate and meet the needs of the ASFG community. Specifically the collection should support the current curriculum, and provide pleasure reading that suits the tastes and needs of our students and staff. This document outlines the policy and procedures to be followed when updating and improving the library collection.
Selection policy
Responsibility for the selection of library materials rests with the head librarian in charge of each library, though the Library Director reserves the right to review orders. All staff members and students are encouraged to recommend materials for consideration.
The collection should be evaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the year to identify gaps and areas where the current curriculum is not sufficiently supported.
Patron reading preferences, interests and needs should be investigated and taken into consideration when searching for and considering new materials.
Input from section subject specialists (eg science teachers) should be sought to elicit suggested materials for inclusion in the library collection.
The librarian should order personal favorites only if they are also of interest to the school’s students and/or staff.
All materials, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the criteria listed below. An item need not meet all of these standards in order to be added to the collection.
Does the item support the curriculum?
Is it age/developmentally appropriate for its intended audience?
Is the material timely? Will it be outdated quickly?
Is the material accurate? Is it written or edited by an authority on this subject?
Is the scope of the material adequate? Are there views not represented?
Is the material visually pleasing and readable? Are the illustrations supportive of the text?
Are there user aids such as a bibliography, glossary, or index?
Is the current collection already heavy in this area?
Will the material be widely used?
Materials donated to the library collection must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. The ASFG library retains unconditional ownership of the donation and makes the final decision on the use or other disposition of the item.
The collection
The ASFG library collection consists of the following categories:
Fiction- adult, middle school, junior, beginning reader and children’s
Electronic databases and subscription websites
Language learning materials
Maps and posters
Graphic novel collection
Magazines and newspapers
American school history archive
Weeding policy
Maintenance of the library's collection through constant re-evaluation by the library staff ensures its usefulness and relevancy to the community. This evaluation depends on the staff's expertise in assessing the needs of the community and the content of the collection. Those materials determined to no longer be of value are withdrawn from the collection
The head librarian of each library shall be responsible for deciding which materials should be weeded. Library assistants will help in the physical processing and removal of the items.
A schedule should be followed to decide in what order the collection will be weeded. Priority should be given to those areas that require the most up-to-date materials (300, 500, 600, countries, MS fiction). The entire collection should be reviewed every 3 years.
Materials will be weeded if they are damaged or disfigured beyond repair, outdated or obsolete, or age inappropriate for their intended audience.
The Titlewave collection analysis guidelines may be used to guide the acceptable average age of materials in any given section. Exceptions to these guidelines are at the discretion of the head librarian.
Priority should be given to weeding the oldest materials and those in poor condition.
An average of 7% (2300 volumes) should be renewed each year. This percentage allows for the renewal of the entire collection over a 13-year period.
The ASFG Library Media Center staff seeks materials that will provide a broad range of viewpoints and subject matter. Because an item is selected for inclusion does not mean the opinions or interpretations expressed are endorsed or promoted by the Library Media Centers or the ASFG. If a complaint is made, the procedure will be as follows:
The staff will courteously hear the complaint, explain selection procedures as outlined in ASFG’s Collection Development Policy and the philosophy of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, but will make no commitments as to how the material in question will be handled.
If the complainant wishes to pursue the complaint further, he/she will be given a Challenged Material Form to fill out completely and return to the Director of Libraries.
Upon receipt of the Challenged Material Form, the Director of Libraries will consult professional resources and reviews, and with an ad-hoc committee composed of the Director General, Section Principal, other librarians, teachers, students, etc. and will make the final decision on the fate of the material in question.
During the review process, the challenged material will not be removed from circulation; however, access to the materials can be limited or denied to the child of the parents making the complaint, if they so request in writing.